
To Vape or Not to Vape?

That is most definitely the question of the moment. With the recent secret squirrel meeting of WHO in Russia (of all places) there has been a lot of talk in the media recently about bans. Specifically, banning the use of cigarettes (including e-cigs) in parks, coffee shops and, of course, TfL have decided to sneak in their own vaping ban. Now, I’ve been stewing on these for a while waiting for any further fallout or other commentaries.

Myth & Magic : The Eternal Debate

I’m going to begin this one by posting up a few tweets from various users. If you like, the article mentioned in the tweet is here feel free to have a read, I’ll wait 🙂 Just so you know, Antoine Flahault is a respected Professor in Biostatistics and neither smokes or vapes, but is heavily vested in the truth. I’m going to gloss over the tweets regarding Philly, because that little story is about money which is a whole different rant for another day 😉