About Me
So, before you go diving around the posts that litter this site; you’ll probably want to know a little bit about me and the reason for this here blog.
I am 40-something data networking engineer (that’s in the IT industry by the way), some-time gamer, science fiction fan, libertarian, and a vaper. I am also a former smoker of two decades.
So what exactly is a vaper
- An individual that uses an electronic cigarette (personal vaporiser)
- Often a former smoker looking for a pleasurable alternative
- Annoyingly referred to as “caper” (and most recently “gaper”) by auto correct
So why have I decided to write a blog?
A fair few reasons actually, mostly it is used as a place for me to spout utter nonsense into the ether as a stress relief. More often than not a particular topic interests me enough to delve a little deeper, which does often include taking the piss. Usually, it’s just my own view on things that are happening.
I warn you, I can be incredibly sarcastic and there may also be some colourful language used in my posts. Should either cause any offense, then there’s other blogs out there, you don’t need to be reading mine. I also read a lot of other folks blogs too. You’ll find my favourites over there somewhere –>
I am not a subscriber to the PC brigade, I say what’s on my mind and I have a lot of opinions on most subjects - just don’t go religious or political on me and we’ll be fine, I have my views on those subjects, maybe if you stick around long enough you’ll spot a few. But I’m generally polite and considerate. Usually.
I also want to take a quick moment to thank three particularly special people for encouraging me to start this here blog. It is cathartic to randomly post bits and pieces.
I’m not particularly a fan of placing things in any order, but one of these three has to be first in the list:
- VapeMeStoopid an outrageously awesome American lass, formerly in the UK and now back home in the US of A. Always has time to help out, and will always answer any questions, not to mention has a huge heart of gold 🙂
- CaeruleanSea or otherwise known as Lorien Jollye or sometimes Lorien Sea, another outrageously awesome lass whose own blog has made me laugh on many occasions, and the main encouragement for me to blog 🙂
- anImaginaryEcho also known as Sparkles, from Texas (now living here in Blighty) and is pure and simple a brilliantly funny person to know as she can always put a smile on my face. So much so that she is now my lady wife.
These fine ladies are of course on Twitter, and are incredibly fun to interact with (if a little weird at times 😉 ) and I love them all to bits.
There are, of course others that I respect and can call friend - but there’s far too many out in Twitterland and Blogosphere to name them all here.
Disclaimer: The views posted on this blog are the views of me, or any attributed contributor. These views do not reflect any organisation with which I am affiliated.