Upset about the TPD? You should be
It is kind of unusual for me to post anything this early in the day as I normally like to sit and think on what I’ve seen before actually writing anything. Today however, some antics on Twitter really upset me. I mean, close to tears upset.
The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), specifically Article 20 is a God-awful piece of democratic bullshit. Don’t believe me? Read more about it, here and here. I don’t need to, nor am I willing to go into any great detail about it.
*Update - I noticed that this post caused a little confusion, so I gave it a little uplift in the necessary place for clarification.
By now, you’ve probably read my story, if not do so now as it’ll fill in quite a few holes. I’ve been vaping since June 2014. Back then I had absolutely no fucking idea about the continual attacks on ecigs, nor the TPD. It was only the likes of the EFVI (initially), and some very outspoken ecig advocates (yes Jo, Em, Lorien, Clive, Fergus, Dave I’m looking to you) that made me realise just how totally fucked up it all is.
Twitter as a communications medium is great as you can get pretty much instant answers to almost any question (still waiting on the big answer though). It all started with this particular thread:
The current Deputy PM vapes. Good news. Ironic that the device he uses will no longer be allowed when the TPD (specifically Article 20) comes into effect next year. What has he (or his party) actually done to help? Basically, absolutely fucking nothing. The only thing that’ll be allowed are the horrible 1st generation cig-a-likes.
Everything you see there, will be gone. Not allowed. Banned. Finished. Anything over 2ml that isn’t leak-proof (totally impossible), tamper proof with a leak free filling mechanism, gone. E-Liquids can’t come in bottles bigger than 10ml, must have warnings, child proof caps (fine with the caps, it’s sensible, probably the only sensible thing). Regulated, measured doses of Nicotine per puff (come on, really?!). Effectively, anything currently available from online retailers or from brick and mortar stores will be illegal. It’s devices such as those that helped me when I needed it most. How many others like me who are looking for a way out will be denied?
This touched me. 80 years old, and has now just switched to ecigs. Come the TPD, that won’t be at all possible as for most, cig-a-likes just do not work and many will need the higher nicotine strengths.
Our MPs and MEPs have failed us at every turn. There is so much wrong with the TPD that it wouldn’t at all surprise me if it was actually written on the back of a cigarette packet!
There is some hope. The New Nicotine Alliance now a registered charity and is working towards the inclusion of vaping as a harm reduction strategy amongst other items. Go, give them your support.
Totally Wicked issued a legal challenge to Article 20 of the TPD. They too, need support.
Absolutely every vaper needs to be aware of this threat. That includes vendors. If a vendor doesn’t support either the NNA (or any of the other organisations) or the TW challenge, then frankly get out of the business. We need a concerted effort to fight this at every available opportunity.