
How do you like your quit methods

Try as I might, I couldn’t ignore this subject tonight. Spurred on by the UK’s Faculty of Public Health (FPH). Just in case you didn’t know, our benevolent friends at FPH call themselves “the standard setting body for specialists in public health in the United Kingdom.” I read that as purely bureaucratic. Oh, I forgot to mention they are a registered charity. Of course they are, why is it that only charities have anything to say these days?

Hashtags and beanbags

OK, so not the most inspiring title ever conceived but I normally only post once every few days. Or try to at least. For once, you lovely folks are getting a double post out of me today. No, this is not about the plain packs debacle. That one is just full of stupid for me to even contemplate right now. Besides, it has already been covered very nicely by Dick Puddlecote here.

Looney Science

It is going to take me a while to compose myself to get this post written as I’m just laughing so damned much. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Mr Roger Bezanis (make sure you spell his name right, he hates it when people get it wrong). So who is this fine upstanding chap complete moron? According to his Twitter profile he is: Whole Food Raw Foodist founder, Diagnostic Face Reading & Health Expert, Author, Educator, while not a doctor, I help define the rules of health today.

The Lows of Tobacco Control

Yesterday was a normal Friday. You know, looking forward to knocking off time at work, the weekend plans etcetera etcetera. I’d placed a couple of orders for some vapemail to be delivered the following day. Life was, in general pretty good. Then late afternoon, my less than perfect little world was seemingly torn apart. First, I’d like to give you a little back story. I am a huge fan of science fiction.

Myth & Magic : The Eternal Debate

I’m going to begin this one by posting up a few tweets from various users. If you like, the article mentioned in the tweet is here feel free to have a read, I’ll wait 🙂 Just so you know, Antoine Flahault is a respected Professor in Biostatistics and neither smokes or vapes, but is heavily vested in the truth. I’m going to gloss over the tweets regarding Philly, because that little story is about money which is a whole different rant for another day 😉