Mistakes, I’ve Made A Few

As we all know, vaping and electronic cigarettes are under increasing scrutiny. Some of it is surprisingly the good kind of scrutiny, the majority of it is not. We all have our stories as to why we vape. Some of us wanted to reduce harm to our own bodies. Others were looking to give up tobacco cigarettes. Mostly it’s the former.

“Nicotine to Clean” Program Poster

What doesn’t help us in the ongoing, slow fight against the various regulations and legislation being brought up in the various political arenas is when vendors do stupid stuff. You know. Like this.

We are already under “orders” to not promote electronic cigarettes as a cessation method. Nor are we able to actually claim (at least in ads) any medical or health benefits. So why, in the name of the Seven are these people promoting it as such?

Mist Nicotine Classification

Wouldn’t mind, but they aren’t the only ones.

Promoting a reduction “strategy” is, pure and simple treading on the toes of NRT and Pharmaceuticals. Not least of which, it also falls under the realms of medicines. Something that we do not want.

Now, I may have had the intention of quitting initially, but I enjoy the act of vaping, not to mention the fact that I actually have functional taste buds now. Vendors Morons such as these two need a short sharp lesson in what is good for vaping as a whole. This isn’t it.

Thanks to Steve Christie for the information.